A Far Better Way
Message: A Far Better Way
Speaker: Ryan Kibbe
10:00 am
Jesus is a winner! At the cross, the enemy thought he defeated Jesus. In reality, His death and resurrection, His finished work of the cross was His crowning triumph over evil, sin, sickness and death! Jesus saved us. Delivered us. And healed us. From His victory, we now have an open invitation to follow His heart and example into an extraordinary, supernatural lifestyle!
It’s His way. He will challenge you. Inspire you. Model the way for you and encourage your heart.
But Ryan Kibbe shares with us this Sunday, His ways don’t always come natural us. It’s actually impossible without Him. But with Him, abundant life is a fruit of His ways: it’s always the winning way and - “A Far Better Way!”
We invite you to this follow up from “His Ways Win!” See you Sunday!
10:00 am
GBCC Chapel
600 Cardinal Lane
Green Bay Wi 54313
(Best parking on the Riverview entrance in chapel parking lot)
eKidz Ministry available:
6 weeks - 5th grade
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Elevation Church Wi
PO Box 5997
Green Bay WI 54115