Message: Communicate For A Change - Part 2 - Slow To Anger
Message: Communicate For A Change - Part 2
Slow To Anger
10:00 am
What we say and how we say it impacts the world around us. What comes out of our mouth is directly tied to the condition of our heart!
Jesus was and IS the master Communicator! He models the way, and yes He is God, but He is also fully human! And in His earthly ministry 2000 years ago, Jesus had to master real anger, just like us, to be effective in communicating with the people He loves. Which is all of us!
This Sunday, Ryan and Hope Kibbe invites you into a sequel, “Communicate For A Change!”
When we are slow to anger, great things can happen in your communication and relationships!
Change begins with a decision to really connect with our meaningful relationships at home, church, work and friendships! Principles that WORK, if you are willing to work it!
Elevation Church exists to SEE God ELEVATE people to a new life in Christ, Equip people for His purpose, and ENGAGE culture through the mighty power of God!
10:00 am
GBCC Chapel
600 Cardinal Lane
Green Bay Wi 54313
(Best parking on the Riverview entrance in chapel parking lot)
eKidz Ministry available:
6 weeks - 5th grade
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Elevation Church Wi
PO Box 5997
De Pere WI 54115